Do you love Mexican food? It is one of the most popular cuisines around the United States. There are an estimated 38,000 restaurants that serve this kind of cuisine around the country. Not all of them serve authentic Mexican cuisine. Can you spot the difference? Can you difference between flour and corn tortillas? Check out […]
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Latest Trends and Overview of Food Packaging
Food packaging is a critical part of the process of moving food items from the original location to grocery stores. Consumers expect that the food they purchase is fresh and conforms to the regulations required by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). While food packaging is an established industry, there are new developments in technology […]
From Flowers To Microgreens Unusual Edible Plants
When it comes to food, there are two separate categories: what is comfortable, and what is daring. While some establishments are pleased to continue with the comfortable, fine dining restaurants with ambition are steering more towards the daring every day. There is an unsaid challenge for chefs to come up with meals that are both […]
Are You Looking for a Caterer for an Upcoming Wedding or Other Event?
After years of cooking and working for someone else, you have finally decided to learn everything that you can about the catering business and venture out on your own. The compliments for your cooking have always been uplifting, but in the past you really knew that many of those compliments really belonged to the restaurant […]
Tiny Green Vegetables Storm the World of Haute Cuisine
Since the 1980s, leading chefs have been using microgreens and edible flowers as tasty food accents. The various micro green varieties are not just tiny leaves but miniature plants, such as broccoli, spinach, endives, and brussels sprouts. They are just about two inches in size and packed with flavor. Edible flowers and microgreens are best […]
6 Tips for Running a Successful Frozen Yogurt Shop
It is no secret that people in the United States love their frozen desserts. The country produces about 1.5 billion gallons of the treats every year. Frozen yogurt has become very popular since it was first introduced just a few decades ago. There are now more than 2,500 stores that sell frozen yogurt. If you […]