Fresh and Exciting Recipes Using Salsa



Even though you have probably tried classic mild salsa dip, pico de gallo salsa dips, or some variation of Southwestern salsa recipes using salsa, could probably could not define “salsa” if you were asked. And we aren’t asking you to describe what is salsa either.

Like most English-only speaking Americans, your definition of salsa would probably consist of your best attempt to describe the basic ingredients of salsa. However, the true meaning of salsa is far simpler than that. This is because “salsa” is simply the Spanish word for “sauce.”

This means that when a native Spanish speaker here’s someone ask a grocery stock person “Where’s the salsa?”, they are hearing, “Where’s the sauce.” So, the next time you shout to your significant other from the kitchen “Honey, where’s the salsa?”, what you’re really asking is “Where’s the sauce.”

Regardless of its literal meaning, the majority of Americans know exactly what someone is talking about when they hear how the salsa at the Cocina del Canguro del Baile was “simply to-die-for” last Friday evening. But there are always plenty of unique recipes using salsa that are new to everyone.

One of the coolest things about salsa is its versatility. While most salsa recipes include tomatoes, onions, and hot peppers, almost anything can be added to the mix. Thus, salsa can be prepared to satisfy a variety of palates. The good new is that you don’t have to, because there are more recipes using salsa available at your supermarket than ever before.

Whether you are looking for a lighter snack alternative, or looking to add a bit of pizzazz to an old recipe. Whatever it is you’re looking for in a salsa recipe, chances are there is a flavor for you.

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