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Allergy to peanut oil, Peanut allergy, What can i make with peanuts

Noble and Humble Facts about the Peanut

We have all learned, at one point or another, all about the wonderful accomplishments of the American agricultural chemist, botanist and inventor Dr. George Washington Carver. His extraordinarily successful research in the early 1900’s was unprecedented and defined many uses for peanuts. Of particular note was his research into the nutritional value of peanuts. Even […]

Cashew seed, Pecan nuts health benefits, Pumpkin berry mix

A Look Into The Popularity Of Peanuts And Peanut Products In the United States

From refined peanut oil to peanut butter to simply peanuts themselves, peanuts and other nuts are immensely popular in all parts of the United States. In fact, peanut farmers in the United States even export a considerable amount of peanuts to other countries around the world – as many as three hundred and fifty thousand […]