How Many Times a Week Does Your Family Eat Ice Cream?


The third time really was a charm!

After two unsuccessful trips to visit your older daughter’s favorite frozen yogurt store, you finally were able to make it downtown so that she could show her favorite visiting college friends her favorite frozen treats. The first two times that you traveled down town you had forgotten that this particular stop was always closed on Mondays. On this visit, however, you remembered the details about the hours and made the visit on the right day.

Frozen Yogurt Supplies Help Create a Popular Gathering Spot for Return Customers

From the ice cream spoons that you select to the paper ice cream cups, there are many opportunities to help brand any restaurant. In a time when there is an ice cream shop on nearly every corner, it should come as no surprise that there is a lot of competition. When the best ice cream shops find a way to be successful, however, it is important to note that they have often created a brand that brings them the same customers again and again.
Selecting the right kind of ice cream or frozen yogurt supplies can help any business push its branding. From the colors of the walls in the store to the kind of tasting spoons that are used, customers will recognize the efforts that you make to create a unique space. In addition, of course, it is essential to have high quality products, often varying the flavors from one season to the next. As the summer comes to an end, for instance, a number of people look forward to pumpkin and carmel flavors that help them think of fall.

Consider some of these facts and figures about the frozen dessert industry and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:

  • Hot summer months are a favorite time for ice cream, so it may not come as a surprise that June is the month when the most ice cream is produced.
  • After the churning process, ice cream generally contains more than 50% air.
  • Vanilla remains the most popular flavor among their consumers at 28%, according to a recent survey of International Ice Cream Association member companies.
  • 28.5 is the average number of times an American will consume ice cream times this year.
  • 90% of U.S. households regularly indulge in a sweet, frozen treat.
  • There were an estimated 2,582 frozen yogurt stores at the end of the year 2013.

Whether you want to take a visiting group of college friends to your favorite ice cream or frozen yogurt stop or you are looking for a perfect way to celebrate your son’s soccer victory, getting a cold frozen treat is always a great option. Whe you find a place that serves the best products in the your favorite frozen yogurt supplies you know that you will want to go back and visit again and again.

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