Do you love peanuts and all types of peanut products? If you are a fan, you probably enjoy peanuts in the many forms they come. Whether you are devouring a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a peanut-flavored dessert, a peanut baked good, a peanut butter candy, or some other type of peanut product, you always look forward to these snacks. What makes it even better is that there is so much in it that makes peanut butter good for you.
Interested in learning more about peanut products and their popularity? Keep reading for more information about what makes peanuts and peanut butter good for you.
Popularity of Peanuts and Peanut Products in the United States
When it comes to peanuts and the variety of peanut products that exist, they consistently maintain popularity with Americans. For example, the production and consumption of peanuts remains extremely high year after year. In America alone, the average citizen consumes around six pounds of peanut products each and every year. On top of that, globally production reaches high numbers every year. Right now, 29 million metric tons are products throughout the glove every single year.
One of the more popular peanut products that exists is peanut butter. Although it was only created a little over a century ago in 1904, it swept the nation after its introduction at the World?s Fair in St. Louis. Since then, peanut butter benefits help make this product so popular in American households. In fact, nearly 95% of all homes in the United States have a jar of peanut butter in them at any given point in time. It has become such a staple in pantries across the country that it is rare to find a household without a jar or two stocked up. For those who are allergic to this product, they usually cannot consume peanuts or peanut products in any form. It is always important to be careful when consuming or cooking with peanuts so that you do not cause anyone with an allergy to become ill. Luckily, statistics show that more than 90% of children are actually not allergic to peanuts.
Health Benefits of Peanuts and Peanut Products
Peanuts and peanut products are full of health benefits. The nutrients found in peanuts make peanut butter good for you and a great option for those looking for a healthier snack. In particular, you can find a healthy serving of protein in your peanut products. For instance, in a one-ounce serving of these nuts, there is around seven grams of protein. That is a healthy energy-booster for a midday snack or early morning breakfast.
In addition to all the peanut nutrients you can find in products like peanut butter and trail mixes, it is also worth noting that no GMO peanuts exist on the market currently. If you are ever enjoying a peanut or peanut product purchased at the grocery store, it will not be made with GMO peanuts. The peanut that exists in the world today is a near perfect match to that of its ancestors.
The FDA also keeps strict regulations for the production of peanuts and peanut products so that standards stay up to code. For example, when it comes to peanut butter, there are rules that must be followed. If these are not maintained, companies cannot add the label peanut butter to their products. In order to add that label to any product, the item must contain at least 90% peanuts and only 10% other ingredients. In the majority of 12-ounce jars of peanut butter that you purchase at the store, you will find around 540 peanuts in them in order to meet that standard, according to the National Peanut Board.
What are you favorite ways to eat peanuts and peanut products? Do you have any favorite peanut snack recipes? What else do you know about what makes peanut butter good for you? Share with us in the comments.