It can sometimes be a hassle to create a variety of appealing, inventive, and delicious meals and dishes day after day, particularly for those who have anything else going on in their lives. Jobs, families, social events. It’s safe to say that the majority of the population doesn’t have a lot of extra time on their hands these days. But if you’re looking to spice up your kitchen game, add a new twist to some favorite go-to meals, or impress at a potluck or party you’re hosting, it may be worth allotting a bit more time to the cooking cause. And what better way to add flavor to new yummy dinner ideas than giving the globe a spin and trying your hand at another culture’s cuisine?
What does the melting pot taste like?
The United States is often referred to as a melting pot, meaning that it is comprised of many different cultures and heritages. It was known as a place of refuge for so many who no longer felt at home where they were born, or who wanted a fresh start. This has led to a beautiful, rich amalgamation of people, and a delicious array of choices when it comes to the influences in what food we have available to try. Italian can be found in the countless pizza shops and go-to pasta dish at homestyle restaurants. Japanese is experiencing a boom in popularity as hungry patrons flock to satisfy sushi cravings. Indian has become a favorite as consumers can’t keep their hands off curry. But possibly one of the most popular in the U.S., probably because of the close access to our southern neighbors, is Hispanic food.
Recetas de postres and other popular dishes from south of the border
It appears that the largest slice of the foreign food pie in the United States is Mexican food. In 2012, Hispanic cuisine, consisting of both food and beverage, was an $8 billion market, and could even reach up to $11 billion by 2017. Recetas de postres, or dessert recipes, are just a few of the delectable samplings from our neighbors to the south that have become increasingly popular in the U.S. Tamales, enchiladas, and the ever-popular tacos and burritos are just a few of the dishes we’ve borrowed from Mexico and the rest of Latin America. And it is estimated that in 2000, Americans consumed around 85 billion tortillas, and that’s not including tortilla chips, which are a huge seller on their own.
Whether you are looking at trying out new recetas de postres for that sweet tooth, trying your hand at rolling sushi, or cooking up some classic pizza or pasta, sampling food from all over the world definitely has its delicious perks!